The Mountain





When I close my eyes,

even to blink,

I see a mountain.





A tall, fierce,

serene mountain.





It has snow atop it,

and there is a sunset, a pinky-peachy one,

reflecting from its facets,

mirrored in the still water in front.




My feet rest by the lake.







I am alone.







There’s a gentle breeze; a caress.







The air is temperate, despite the snow before me.



I am sat on a mixture of frozen soil, stone and twigs.

My palms can feel the grit beneath them,

and so I bury my fingers.





Maybe there’s a bonfire next to me,

but I’m not certain.




Earth permeates my fingernails.

I bury them deeper.





I watch soft ripples in the lake


ebb their way outwards to the brim,

towards me,

as if they are acknowledging my presence.





I feel restful in this place.

Sat within its untouched quietude and its sacredness.





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